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We offer small animal boarding for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Gerbils and Mice. We try to keep prices as affordable as possible, while still giving you peace of mind, while you are on holiday.

What we offer

Rabbits and guinea pigs

- accommodation

- 24/7 access to fresh hay

- 24/7 access to fresh, clean, filtered water

-  fresh vegetables daily ( we will split it in half and feed morning and evening )

   rabbits will get at least 2 cups of vegetables each and guinea pigs will get at least 1 cup of vegetables each This is roughly 15% of their diet as recommended by the RWAF ( Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund )

- daily access to a run ( unfortunately due to weather this may not be able to be done every day )

- feeding your dry food as they require it according to you

- spending time with them one to one daily.

- fresh grass every day either in their run or if you know your pet will dig out please let us know and we will put their run on a hard surface and still offer grass or if the weather does not allow us to put your pet outside we will still try and offer grass.

- toys and hidey houses to help them feel safe and for enrichment during their stay with us

- Grooming and syringe feeding medicine as required

-we use wood shavings and puppy pads as bedding, however if you would like something else you are welcome to bring your own.


Hamsters, Gerbils, Mice, Rat etc

- feeding your dry food as they require it according to you

- 24/7 access to fresh, clean, filtered water

- spending time with them one to one daily.

- fresh vegetables daily / every other day / weekly etc as you require.

- if required toys and hidey houses to help them feel safe and for enrichment during their stay with us.

- grooming and syringe feeding medicine as required

-we use wood shavings  as bedding, however if you would like something else you are welcome to bring your own.




- feeding your dry food as they require it according to you

- 24/7 access to fresh, clean, filtered water

- spending time with them one to one daily.

- fresh vegetables  as you require.




What we require you to bring

Rabbits and Guinea pigs

-please bring your animals normal dry food as changing this could upset their digestive system.

-any medicine if you pet needs it along with written instructions.

-optionally any toys, food bowls and water bottles, we will supply these if you need us to.

-(rabbits only) - must be vaccinated against myxomatosis and VHD strain 1 and 2. Myxomatosis and VHD strain 1 are usually protected against with a combined vaccination. VHD strain 2 is usually vaccinated on its own. Please note these vaccinations have to be given at east 2 weeks apart. We will also require proof of vaccination, either when you drop your rabbit off, or you could send us a picture of your rabbits vaccination card. 



Hamsters, Gerbils, Mice, Rats etc

- your pet's cage, if this is not possible please contact us as we may be able to sort something out.

-please bring your animal's normal dry food as changing this could upset their digestive system.

-any medicine if you pet needs it along with written instructions.

-optionally any toys, food bowls and water bottles, we will supply these if you need us to.



-your pet's cage.

-any dry food/ supplements.

-heating pads/lamps where required. 


When you drop your pet off we will require you to fill out;-

- emergency phone number and your name

- pet profile to be filled out this includes;-

pets name, age and species

any medical conditions and medicine

any allergies





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